Serving Public Safety Dive Teams and Public Safety Dive Training throughout the U.S. and Canada






Public Safety Diving – Emergency Response Diving International

MidWest School of Diving is the Public Safety diving (PSD) agency that trains Police, Fire and other public safety organizations in Search and Rescue techniques (domestically and internationally) in just about every submerged environment known.   

MidWest School of Diving is licensed as a private career school with the Minnesota Office of Higher Education pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, sections 136A.821 to 136A.832. Licensure is not an endorsement of the institution. Credits earned at the institution may not transfer to all other institutions.

MidWest School of Diving is the only school in the midwest that is approved by a state Department of Education as a "Career", or Vocational School.  One of the approved programs "Public Safety Diving"; MidWest School of Diving can certify and present diplomas to individuals as professional public safety divers.

 "Not all Public Safety Diving certifications and instructors are recognized by OSHA and NFPA despite what they might claim.  Recreational scuba instructors and certifying agencies are for the most part not recognized; once you start a recovery operation by OSHA standards you are doing Commercial Diving (CFR 29, subpart T), no longer recreational; make sure you are getting the right training and advice.  All MidWest School of diving programs are OSHA and NFPA compliant. In fact, some of the largest successful and renown departments use Midwest School of Diving Programs to conduct their training.

Come to the experts; others claim knowledge (looked through a book), we have the actual years of experience domesticaly and internationally to back up our claims:  Our Instructors have a combined knowledge of OSHA, Military, Law Enforcement, Emergency Medical Service (EMT's, Paramedic), Fire, Medical Examiner (County), Legal.  We have 6 instructors and dive staff along with subject matter experts with various backgrounds that can handle your PSD needs.

Law Enforcement over 100 years (Sheriff, PD, Dive Team and Corrections)

Military over 104 years(Special Operations, Tactical Intelligence, Counter Intelligence, Counter Terrorism, Infantry, Psychological Operations, Aviation)

Fire over 60 years

Paramedic 10 years

EMT Instructor

 EMR – Emergency Medical Responder Instructor

Divers Alert Network Instructor Trainer (we can teach any of the DAN Courses; responder up through instructor levels) Emergency O2, Neurological Assessment, Hazardous Marine Life, Diving First Aid for Professional divers, Basic Life Support, and Diving Emergency Management Provider)

OSHA Instructor (general Industry), along with HAZCOM, Hazwoper, Confined Space

Underwater photography by an Emmy Awarded Photo Journalist

American Heart Instructors (BLS, Heartsaver, PALS, ACLS and PEARS)

American Red Cross (CPR for Professional Rescuer’s, Bloodborne Pathogen Training Preventing Transmission, Sports Safety Training-First Aid and Wilderness First Aid)

National Safety Council First Aid-CPR Instructors

Emergency First Response Instructors

Assistant County Medical Examiner

Experience working internationally with the International Wars Crime Count; The Haage Netherlands

U.S. Army Water Survival Instructor

Fire Investigator

Assistant Country Attorney – legal aspects for PSD Teams.

Professor (PhD), Ohio University one of our Subject Matter Experts (SME); Public Safety in communities looking at OSHA, chemical or enviromental stressor recognition to include evaluations and safety controls.

We offer the most complete line of Public Safety training in the Midwest.

MidWest School of Diving can assist your department with the following offering:


We will asssit departments in evaluating the effectivess of their training.  Our instructors in conjuction with the the team-departments leadership will develop a scenaio based evaluation.  The evaluation will look at the effectiveness of current training; are SOP's being followed, is the team in compliance with current OSHA and NFPA guidelines, are current standard PSD rules being used, is there any additional technology available to make the team more effective.  At the completion of the evaluation, the team and evaluators will get together and conduct an After Action Review (AAR) where the observed strengths and weeknesses will be discussed with all participants (with input from all participants).  The benefit of this evaluation methodology is an unbiased third party evaluation which at the end of the training provides the department with a written report to include video and pictures with the focus of making the department more effective.


  • Public Safety DivingI
  • Public Safety DivingII
  • Public Safety DivingSupervisor
  • Public Safety DivingDrysuit Operations
  • Public Safety DivingFull Face Mask
  • Public Safety DivingContaminated Water Operations
  • Public Safety DivingIce Diving Operations
  • Public Safety DivingHelicopter Landing Zone Technician
  • Public Safety DivingUnder Water Crime Scene Investigator
  • Public Safety DivingUnder Water Threat Assessment
  • Public Safety DivingCrime Scene Investigations
  • Public Safety DivingTender Operations
  • Public Safety DivingWater Rescue
  • Public Safety DivingSmall Boat Operations
  • Public Safety Diving Media Awareness-Communication - only offered by MidWest School of Diving no one else **

  • Public Safety Diving OSHA Requirements as they pertain to Public Safety Dive Teams - only offered by MidWest School of Diving no one else **

  • Public Safety DivingIce Surface Rescue

  • Operating Public Safety Diving Operations in a NBC (Nuclear Biological and Chemical) environment

Other classes we offer:

  • Writing of SOP's (Standard Operating Procedures)
  • Underwater confidence course (pool) blacked out masks, entaglements, obstacles, confined space, distressed divers
  • Writing effective training plans
  • Underwater Crime Scene Photos for PSD
  • Using Sonar for PSD
  • Hazardous Communication (HAZCOM)
  • OSHA Confined space Dive Operations for PSD
  • Underwater Metal Detectors for PSD

With a certified OSHA Instructor on staff, we make sure all training is OSHA and NFPA compliant; very few training centers/groups can do this.

Need assistance in getting Police Officers Standards and Training (POST) Credits, we can assist your teams in this matter.

If you would like to host a training class at your location for your department, give us a call.

** MidWest School of Diving wrote the lesson plans and program for these ERDi distinctive specialties.

MidWest School of Diving offers the following additional services; Mustang Exposure Suit Dealer, Survitec Ice Rescue Suits, Sterns, Darkwater Vision, Regional Dealer in technical diving - underwater equipment, grant writing assistance for those departments that would like to start or purchase new equipment, National Safety Council (NSC) training on Emergency Vehicle Operator – both ambulance and fire, Emergency Responder Training, Emergency Medical Technician course, Ice Rescue tools along with Public Safety Diving equipment.

 Click here for Public Safety DivingCourse information

MidWest School of Diving is the only Minnesota based Scuba Shop certified by the Department of Veterans Affairs in accordance with the state of Minnesota stature 161.321, 375.771 in providing services to state, county and municipal entities.
