• Dry Suit Diving Operations in Emergency Response

Dry Suit Diving Operations in Emergency Response

The Public Safety DivingDry Suit Ops Course develops the knowledge and skills that are necessary for dry suit diving operations in emergency response diving. Introducing fundamental skills of dry suit diving and other important topics such as; encapsulation, contaminated environments, protecting portable water supplies and decontamination procedures.

Starting from

Availability: In Stock

Who this course is for:
A certified Public Safety Diving I diver who has completed their Dry Suit Ops component
A certified Public Safety Diving I diver who engages in missions in potentially hazardous water conditions
Course prerequisites:
Minimum age 18
Public Safety Diving 1 or equivalent
CPR1st or equivalent
CPROx or equivalent
What you can expect to learn:
Environmental factors and hazards, types and features of dry suits, addressing diver insulation, dry suit maintenance, buoyancy controls and managing dry suit emergencies
How to begin filling requirements towards enrolling inPublic Safety Diving II training
What’s in it for you and your team?
Controlled training that solidifies diver and tender abilities in the participation of planning and executing dive team operations

Public Safety DivingDry Suit Ops minimum requirements:

  • Demonstrate proper dive planning
  • Dry suit donning and a complete understating of all dry suit functions
  • Dry suit emergency procedures to make sound judgments

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